Monday, December 28, 2009

525600 minutes

I've been noticing a lot of lists and relsolutions lately. I never really was one for making resoluations. I just kind of went with the flow really. Did what I did. I feel like one year I probably said "I'm going to lose weight this year..." but yea, I don't know that I did.

Christmas is such a busy time. Full of going to see these people, having these people over, friends and family coming home...and relaxing. I'm all about just vegging out and not doing anything.
I miss having people friends living in the same province though. Sad face.

I wish that I could remember things more. The little details of things. Like certain lyrics and certain random stories that have happened. Or the plot to books. I remember them when people talk about them, but to remember them on my own doesn't sometimes happen.

Christmas was really great this year; I got a lot of useful things which is great. Also got Wii fit AND EA active. I can't wait to start using it. Hopefully it'll be the push I need.

This has been a random post.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hello blog

Well alright then.

Christmas is the best season. I've been trying to fight boredom by helping Christmas explode in our apartment. Decorations are everywhere, it's super. And there may also even be a tree too! A real live tree. It's awfully cute I think anyways.
Not 100% sure if I'm allowed to have a real tree...but there isn't anything in the lease that says we CAN'T have one, therefore, the assumption we're going with is that it's alright.

This past weekend I went to see my sister this weekend. Her and her beau were in a Christmas play...She had a solo and everything. It was a lot of fun, with singing, and dancing, and lights, and CHOIR MUSIC.
*Finger: need to remember to talk about something*
The show really made me want to join choir. I did it all though school, and doing musicals and stuff. I miss it. I don't really know if I was any good at it or anything, but it was fun. Really don't have a whole lot of time right now, so maybe not this year.

Right. Back to what I put the finger up for. Right.
The play, had RAPPING in it. Yes, that's right, rapping! With children. It is just too funny to describe, but it was

Ok. Back to Christmas-ing.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
Albert Einstein

Sunday, September 13, 2009

thinking about homework, got to be done...

One more sleep, one more sleep!
I'm very excited that the day is almost here. After waiting for..just a little over a year, it's here. And of course, they would push back the first day this year. Oh well. It's here.

I missed 12 of 12 yesterday. Sad face indeed. But that's alright. I'm not sure why I didn't remember. I think the excitement of orientation had me distracted.

Speaking of orientation, it went well. I did have fun, and kind of meet some new people. Then we went to the social. There was trivia, and I do enjoy a great round of trivia. I'm sad my trivia pal is gone, but we will reunite soon enough. I've been working on scrounging up new trivia buddies.

Alright. Time to get ready..for SCHOOOOOOOL!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labour day! Day off..not that I'm really working at this point. But a good excuse for a lazy day.

Plans include: starting a new quilt, watching one of the marathons on the tv, and cleaning some clothes. Plus make playlists for tomorrow's roadtrip.

Trip will be good, and not turn into a repeat of the "worst weekend ever". Must be good. Even if poeple will not be seen. Shopping will be done. And shopping makes everyone (well at least me) happy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.
Rose Kennedy

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

making it rain

This makes me want to join a choir. But only one that does really wicked awesome cool things.

well alright then

Went bowling last night. Although I thought it could be the night were my true bowling talent shines through...turns out not so much. But I feel like bowling is one of those things (sports?) that I enjoy participating in, even if I suck at it. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Also went and got yummy yummy dessert. And chocolate milk.

Great discussions were had, including storage options, homemade hideaway beds, wood planks and yarn. The company was also great.

I got a whole lot of stuff done today. Running this way and that way.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

there's someone talking to me hey, I got a new friend

Happy September. It's actually hard to believe that August is gone.

Everyone has moved away/back or is going to be moving away quite soon. It makes me sad, because I'm just starting to get used to having people around. I've got to get faster at these things.

I worked last night at work #2. I've all but decided that I've outgrown this job. I've had it for the past 4.8 years (just so close to that 5 year gift make me almost want to stay). I do enjoy most people I work with and the job isn't that bad if you take it for what it is. When it comes down to it though work #1 is a better job, with better money, better more consistent hours, and the people aren't all the bad.

Gah. It's way to early to be up. Time to catch up on some tv. I missed Big Brother on Sunday night due to music trivia (which was ok, becuase we 1] came third, 2] won a boat load of beer questions, and 3] real people > people on tv). Watching BB now, even though I know the outcome of the episode.
Speaking of tv, I'm excited for fall tv. Oh fall tv. Oh fall. Oh school! SO excited for school!!

Alright. Time to put my butt in gear and get on with the day.

Friday, August 21, 2009

it's getting late

Parade day! Yay. The parade was lots of fun. Decided that marching bands are great, and I wish I could just have one that would play whenever. Not all the time mind you, that would be a little much.

Tomorrow is a family do with my dad and family. I'm excited, it should be good. I really hope that BBQ is included, as I love me the BBQ.
Then tomorrow, I do believe there will be fun times had also.

All in all, this week wasn't quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. The gym is closed next week though, le sad. Oh well, hopefully it'll be nice enough to run outside maybe, or bike!

Monday, August 17, 2009

I woke up with a wallet in my hands.

Today started with apple cinnamon tea, and reading my book. Then I got bored. And it was only 9:15.

I have 4 more weeks. I don't know what's going to happen. I'm sure I'll be fine. I know we're going to have the cleanest apartment around.

I'm looking forward to entertaining myself, but also kind of nervous.

I'm off to the gym for 3 hours to get super big biceps.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12 of 12

It's time for 12 of 12 again! Of really enjoy this idea, and try to participate each month. The idea comes from Chad Darnell.

This month, the 12th fell on a Wednesday, a work day. Here we go:

1] 7:35 am - Enjoying a cup o tea before work.

2] 7:46 am - Reminder for the day, which I did. Thanks to this handy dandy note!

3] 10:04 - Waiting for J to meet up outside work to grab some coffee. It was quite an adventure of a coffee break.

4] 11:30 am - Getting stuff done at work. Oooo Aaahh, new flat computer screen!

5] 2:35 pm - After finishing up work for the day, and a surprise lunch with my boss, I walked to meet up with my dad to look at a car I might buy (since my car had decided to go with early retirement).
6] 2:50 pm - We went for a drive to test out the car. Stop by to watch a house being built... looks like it's going to be nice!

7] 2:55 pm - Back to the car to finish the test drive. I was impressed. I'd like to have this car now please.

8] 3:15 pm - Driving home. Snapping another picture of what turned out to be a great day!

9] 3:35 pm - Off for a run. It was short, but nice to get out.

10] 6:05 pm - Supper time! These sweet potatoes went with chicken and a yummy salad. These were the frozen fries, and first time I've tried them. Pretty good I thought.

11] 6:45 pm - On the way out to catch a movie, checking the mail. I got excited because it looked like there was mail... turns out it was all junk. Sad face.

12] 9:50pm - Home from the movie, we ended up going to Funny People. I enjoyed it, even if it was longer. And, Bo Burnham was in it, how cool is that!?

And that's it folks.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

watch out eh?

I can say with almost 100% certainty, I will never wear high heels. Yes, ok, maybe for special occasions, such as weddings, or if I take up ballroom dancing, but other then that, no not so much. It's not that I have anything against them, or those who wear them. It's just that I look very silly in them, and think they'd hurt quite a lot to wear (although I am told they're very comfortable actually).

At least, I didn't have anything against highheelers until Saturday night.

There I was, enjoying a nice conversation with an old friend, and I feel pain. Lots of pain coming from my right foot, like something is trying to dig it's way through my foot. It takes a second, then I figured out that some girl was stepping on my foot. With her high heels. And it hurt. Not quite at first, but as the night wore on, I was just like, "gah, my foot hurts". Woke up Sunday morning, and sure enough a bruise began. Walking in flats yesterday and today, still hurts. I'll get over it. But I must say to all those wearers of heels: please be considerate of feet. And don't step on my feet again, cause yea, I'll kick you.

Side note: I went to see Julie&Julia last night. I really enjoyed it. I thoroughly enjoy the Amy Adams, and I thought the movie was just cute :). It made me smile many times.

And made me want to blog more.

12 of 12 tomorrow. Get ready!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

a crystal ball would be nice

It would be great to have an excessive amount of money.

Last night, J and I went shopping before watching SYTYCD finale with Nic. Which made me happy to go shopping..but sad that I knew I shouldn't bother trying things on, as I have no money to spend on clothes. Well, I do, but shouldn't.

Talks of cars, new and old, is making my head spin. It's just so much. Such a decision to make. I wish I could make a decision, and know it was right. But such is life, I don't think that's possible.

Work is going to come to an end soon. This couldn't make me more happy. But as I was discussing with L last night.. it makes me sad too. I can never be happy apparently??

Something fun must happen tonight.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

let the drummer kick

It's almost the weekend. Yes, I know it's Thursday, and the weekend doesn't start until Saturday..but I HAVE THE DAY OFF TOMORROW!! (I'm a little exctied).

AND! I'm going camping.

We'll see how this whole sleeping outdoors thing goes. I'm sure it'll be a blast. Fingers crossed for no rain! (And if there must be rain, fingers crossed for light showers!!)

I need to decide when I'm stopping working. May be later then expected/hoped for. We shall see.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

12 of 12 - JULY

12 of 12 is an idea from Chad Darnell. A very fun idea, that I've been trying to participate in this year..and perhaps the whole reason starting up my blog again. I've tried very hard participate each month...I've been slightly unsuccessful.

The 12th day of the month fell on a Sunday, meaning not a weekday, meaning not a work day. Let me set the scene.

Saturday was on the most beautiful days we have had thus far this summer. L and I decided not to head to a (real) beach because we both had to work early afternoon, and wouldn't have enough time. We decided upon heading to the beach on SUNDAY.

K "I wonder if it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow"

L "hmm.."

K "I'm sure it will be, it was nice today"

Very good logic on my part, non?

Turns out it was a very sunny/beachy day on Sunday. Not at all. But we headed out anyways.

1] 11:05 AM - Apartment
Last night, after work (at 10:30 pm) I attempted to make cookies. Did you know that if one makes cookies with the rack on the BOTTOM row in the oven, that the cookies may cook faster then intended? And then may burn? And then may smoke because they are so burnt? As it turns out, this happened to me on Saturday night. Then, the fire alarm in my apartment went off. After freaking out, I calmed myself and put the pan in the sink and put water on it. This make the smoking stop and also the alarm. Thank goodness.
I then decided to cut my losses and stopped baking. This is what I woke up to: dirty pans and burnt cookies.

2] 11:45 am - Tim's parking lot
Having 80% accepted that it wasn't going to be a beach day, we decided our trip to the beach would be a "nice Sunday drive". And what is a "nice Sunday drive" without Tim Hortons??

3] 1:20ish - Beach #1
Funny sign at the awesome beach we stumbled upon on our way to our intended destination.

4] 1:20ish - Still at Beach #1
Can you find the "lifeguards on duty"? There are two. One on a towel, head away from the water. The other, in a hole UNDER the surfboard. Now, perhaps there was another one watching the people in the water, but I couldn't see them.

5] 1:30ish Beach #2
Finally we made it to our original intended destination.
6] 1:35pm - Beach #2
On the (freezing) cold beach. The water was cold. Very very cold.

7] 1:40pm - Beach #2
Searching the beach for rocks. Pretty!

8] 2:00pm - Streets of Souris
Finally off the beach, driving back to town through the lovely city of Souris, came across this sign. Got to watch out for those squirrels!

9] 2:05pm - In the car
Got some DP and headed back onto the road.

10] 3:30pm - Apartment parking lot
Got home and the rain we drove through on our way out had come into town. It didn't last long though

11] 4:45 pm - Apartment
Having recovered from the cookie baking incident of Saturday night, I had another go. Turned out alright.

12] 6:00pm - BBQ
A friend was having a BBQ get together. I love BBQ. We bought fancy hot dog buns (seen above). Lucky for us, the rain stopped and then held off for a while. I brought my cookies, and they were a hit (well, there were none left to take home, which I'm taking as a good sign)!

That is all for this month!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

water is in the air

So beyond bored.
So glad I get to be not doing this job forever and ever.

Lunch today saw the return of the outdoors! Even if it was one of the muggiest days of the year thus far. So muggy, and sticky and gross. But I was able to eat in the park, and find a table, AND bonus it was under a tree. It was nice.

So nice that I’ve been inspiried and came up with a plan for this weekend and an activity. I cannot write about it on here, as I have a suspicion that L. may read this and ruin a surprise. Because surprises are fun! Who doesn’t like surprises!?!

BBQ tonight. Pumped. I love eating BBQ.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

working weather

The weather outside is not very nice. And this makes for long days I find.

The past couple of weeks, I've gotten into the habit of eating my lunch in the park near work. It works great because I get to (1) eat lunch (2) be outside, and (3) refer to (2). The rain and mugginess and fear of downpours have kept me from enjoying this midday treat since last week sometime.

I really like being outside for the little period of my day. I look forward to it, and then I enjoy it so so much, and then I come back into work with the attitude of "alright, I CAN do this!". The outside is kind of like my (magical) new shoes.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I'm a pretty lucky girl.

It's been decided.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This is what I thought...

A quick post to help the last minutes of work willfully pass by quicker.

Some random thoughts on my day:

1.6 Maxum - what is this? The name of my pen. Weird.

My Toast. This wasn't just any toast. It was wonderfully delicious toast, made on fresh super soft bread. But then the stupid toaster popped too much. And one of my pieces of toast fell!! Not just feel on the ground fell, because I totally would have eaten that. No big deal. No. Fell down between the counter and the fridge, ie into the land of dust and crumbs and yuck. There was no way I was eating that. Which was sad. Because one piece of toast is just so unsatisfying.

Blogs. So just because I read a person's blog religiously doesn't mean that I am that person. And so I shouldn't be as happy/excited as I am for said bloggers new baby! (baby's are cute btw).

Also. I have a rant about something that was said to me the other day. It'll come tomorrow.

Now. I shall get ready to leave for another day. And I get to bike home! I'm excited for this, because it is so very nice outside.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

magic shoes

All my worries seem to vanished, thanks to my new shoes. I don't know how they did it, or why it seems to be working. But the fact that I have new shoes, is making work much more bearable. I really don't understand it.

Therefore, I take from this, that I should be allowed to buy new shoes ALL the time. Something stressing me out? NEW SHOES. Upset about something? NEW SHOES. Lonely and miss all my friends? NEW SHOES.

J is back in the same provinces as I. Which is GREAT, except I haven't seen much of her yet. That's alright though. Long summer ahead. Full of fun times.

I've starting working again on my quilt. It's starting to look like an actually quilt now. I'm excited to see the final product. Even if it doesn't turn out 100% right, I'll be happy with it as it is my first quilt after all.

Time to figure something out about something.

PS. Work is pretty crazy in the fact that I'm running the show sort of. I've got help from others..but there's no one else technically working out of my office. That's alright though. I'll get done what I can, that's all I can do.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy times ahead.

One of my bosses left today. It's sad. I'm going to miss her, a lot. She was there when I first got interviewed. Despite my shyness and awkwardness, she hired me. She's shown me how to do pretty much everything I've needed to know here. She's always been super patient with me. We just gelled well together. It sucks.

But I mean, she's off to bigger and better things. Just sigh.

In other news.
Yesterday/today marks an important date. It's one that I'm really excited for; I feel like I always new this day would get here, and right I was. I like being right.

Right now, when I look back on this year I know I'm thinking "oh man, why did I make that decision?".. and... "is it September yet?...". This past year has been full of many ups and downs. I've said many times how my life shaken off the track I made for myself and it's quite frustrating. But one thing has always remained constant. I hope that in years to come, I'll be able to look back on this year and remember it as the beginning of something great. Delightful even.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yesterday was the 12th. Meaning it was time for 12 of 12. I forgot my camera.

I took some (crappy) pictures on my camera phone. And then once I got home, I tried to take some pictures.

It makes me sad, because that's the whole reason for the blog. I so enjoy 12 of 12.

I kind of failed. I've been doing that a lot lately, failing.

I fail at life. . . . but I'm good at Math.

Monday, May 11, 2009


This whole my boss leaving, is a secret. I feel important because I know. But also, I feel like I should tell people, so that it's not a huge surprise.

Of course I won't tell people. But le sigh.

Friday, May 8, 2009

a day

So some days, are just not good days. Today is one of those days.

I recently found out that one of my bosses, will be leaving, within two weeks. We had discussed how she wanted to leave, and was trying to leave. But now, it's official. Well, only partly officially (she hasn't told any of the people that need to know, I was the first one she's told). This news I guess is hitting me hard? It sucks. A lot. A lot a lot. Things were starting to be *almost* normal, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, it's like there was a cave in, and I'm stuck.

Other little things have been bothering me lately too.

I also think I'm getting sick.

All these things, plus a severe case of missing-friends blues have made for a bad day today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but I think it's best just to write today off.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've discovered a new pet peeve. People who call another person, and aren't ready to talk to them. So I ask you the next time you're calling someone, to ask them something or to give them some sort of information: have your question ready, have you're information in front of you.

New apartment = great. Loving it. Loving all things to do with it.

My attempt to go for a morning run this morning failed. This was only the first attempt at the morning run, so we'll see how the next one goes. I suppose it'd help if I actually set my alarm. And although I didn't make it outside for a run, I dreamt was running in a race, and I came 138th. Random, I know.

I just found out that my printer/copier/scanner/fax machine/big gray box that sits next to me on my desk... can make COLOUR photocopies! Colour! Exciting!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

a quick note to say

so tired.
good show last night.
tv & internet this afternoon.
BBQ tonight.
so tired.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

make some noise

I recently heard a story on some CBC radio show on a Sunday afternoon, about this women who is all about silence. She lived in silence for a period of time (complete isolation..from everything). Currently, she doesn't own a radio, her computer doesn't have ANY sounds, and she lives about 50 miles from anybody.
While there is something to be said about collecting ones thoughts, and having some thinking time.. I don't know if I'd want silence forever. I like music. I like listening to music. I like to here and watch live music (because you can watch music..maybe?). There was even a time I played it almost every day. Music can just make me happy.
I can clearly remember an occasion where home alone (and bored), I started listening to a certain CD given to me by a certain someone. I just started to dance and was overwhelmed with this sense of "happy".

Why I bring this up, is because it's been a very VERY quiet afternoon. I'm all alone. The phone hasn't rung a lot, and when I'm alone, that's my main source of sound. haha. BUT I do have a sweet radio that I can plug my IPod into. Therefore giving music = happy.

Now...if only I could dance in my office, I'd be all set.

Friday, April 24, 2009

tv = educational

Thigns learned while watching the news last night with mom:

1) Smoking causes cancer
2) Do not enter an intersection when the light is red

Thursday, April 23, 2009

precious, precious, precious

I've neglected my poor blog. And it seems like each time I go to post something, I begin with the same "oh, I will try harder this time"

In other news, I'm moving! We found a place. And I'm in love with it. It's a real change to what I'm in now. Things I'm looking forward to (in no particular order):

1) double sink
2) lights in bedrooms
4) more counter space
5) finally being able to use my toaster oven

The list could go on, but I'll stop there. I'm excited also to be living with L. Shall be a grand old time I do believe.

Yesterday, along with being Earth Day, was "Administrative Professionals Day". And my boss got me flowers! I should take a picture and put them up, cause they're awfully pretty.

My hair today actually looks like there's some bird living in it. I thought I could pull off the "wave look"...Turns out I can't. haha. Oh well. It'll give something for people to talk about.

Monday, April 6, 2009

traveling here and there

Monday. Bleh Monday. Nice quiet day though.

This weekend, I was a traveling girl.

I went first to visit my brother at his university. He was playing in a concert, and I haven't seen him play in quite some time, so my sister and I went. We met up, walked around and saw the sights, and then went to the show. It was fun seeing him in that atmosphere, at school, around all his school friends. He's all grown up my little brother *tear*.

After an early morning breakfast on Saturday, it was off to see L. I figured it was pretty much on my way back home. The weather was beautiful, so we went for a walk in the afternoon. Then after my first BBQ of the season (loves me the BBQ), it was off to see some Curling. Men's WORLD CURLING that is. It was so so exciting. Well it was until the people in the seats to our right decided to join us.
Now. I could describe in detail how much these people bothered me. But I'm really trying to get over it. They actually ruined the whole night for me. I was so frazzled and distressed. They were so rude.

Sigh. Deep breath. Moving on.

In my office (in the basement), there is this back closet where we store random things. Cleaning it out, I noticed there was this like, panel door behind the door. It wasn't locked, so I was like "wonder what's in there.." opened it, to find like pipes and darkness and yea. It just gave me the creeps almost. It was strange. In my head now I picture there's something living in there. As it is, we have these small fruit fly/black fly like bugs that randomly fly around our office. Apparently they come from there. Gross ick yuck.

Only 55 mins till lunch. Sweeet!

Monday, March 30, 2009

will it ever stop snowing?

It's funny how the weather works. All weekend was so beautiful. Then yesterday around 6:00, BAM the cold weather hit. Which is fine, no more sun, cold is going to happen. But no, woke this morning to rain, and now snow. They canceled schools (which make me happy! no class tonight!).
I have a great huge decision before me. School, next year. Where will I go? As I've said a few times already this morning, my decision, is about 95% made...but I can't let that other 5% go. What if I'm making the wrong decision? I've already messed this whole thing up once.. I don't think I can have another do-over. Not when it means another whole year.
Work is quite dull soon. I'm hoping it will pick up. This whole going back to school has got me excited; but then I forget that I have a whole summer to go. Not even the summer. Like Spring PLUS Summer. Oh well.

I finally watch Snatch on the weekend. It was fun, I liked it. Only, I was quite tired and as per usual, didn't make it to the end. Oh well, if I ever watch it again, it'll be like watching it for the first time. Sorta. Kinda. I now have "Lucky Number Slevin" rented. I thought this movie did not look good, but both L and the girl at the movie rental store said it was a good movie. So I'm going to give it a shot.

In an effort to retain more details this go round, I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series. I'm on book 4. I've really forgotten how much I enjoy these books. They're great. And I'm at the part where I don't want to stop reading, and I just want to read until the end. The new movie comes out this summer, and I can't wait. I think a HP marathon is in the works. Pumped!

Almost done work woo!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

hello Spring? are you there?

I had all intention on posting an entry last week. In fact, I wrote it, and sent it to myself for posting. However, I must have gotten distracted and forgot to post. Le sigh.

This week is actually the deadest it's been since I started work way back when. As that point, I didn't know what I was doing, so I would just sit around doing nothing. Now, I know many things that I can do..but they're all done. Le sigh.

There's some random noise that keeps going off ever 3 minutes. It's coming from the office beside me. It's a high pitched siren of sorts, and alarm even? But I think it's trying to be fixed.. we'll see. It's keeping me awake at least.

I am quite displeased with the lack of spring like weather and abundance of winter. Seriously. It's Spring now. Let's get this show on the road shall we? I'm going to try to start running outside, but I find this difficult when there is still 5 cm of snow on the ground, and there's a boat load of wind all the time. Soon enough I suppose, soon enough.

Back to work I go. Caffeine will be needed I think.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12 of 12

Alright. It's that time again.. 12 of 12!! Of course, credit goes to Chad Darnell;

The 12th day of the month falls upon a Thursday again in March, so it's another work day.

1) 7:51 am In the car on the way to work. Listening to some Slumdog soundtrack. A great way to start the day

2) 9:30 am At work. We're trying to make everything organized, so I'm taking these hand-written stuff and putting them on the computer

3) 9:35 am All nice and pretty with arrows and labels! I have way to much fun doing things like this.

4) It's rollll up the rim to win season again. A look at my collection of winners.

5) 12:59 pm Lunch time. Walking out of work, there was a police car. I know the picture sucks, but I didn't want the police man to see me taking his picture.

6) 1:25pm Me and my shadow. It was very sunny, but very windy out.

7) 1:30 pm At the post office. Waiting for mail to arrive is not fun, silly snail mail.

8) 4:25 pm To the gym.

9) 6:30 pm The cup. I was eating supper, and noticed that this cup (almost) glows in the dark. Fun!

10) 8:45 pm I went shoping to try to cheer myself up. I bought new black socks for work. Super exciting stuff.

11) 9:00 pm And I might have gotten myself some cheering-up-candy. Gummi Bears are good.

12) 9:10 pm Curling. The final draw in roundrobin play. AB vs ONT. Big game. Great teams.

And that is all. Hope you enjoy. See you in April!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday monday... ba ba, ba ba ba ba

Today is Monday.
I'm not always a huge fan of Mondays. This one even more so. Daylight saving's has stolen an hour from me!! An hour! And while it was stolen on Saturday night/Sunday morning.. I didn't feel it until this morning. When my alarm clock said 6:00 am, but my phone said 7:00 am. Time to get up apparently, even if my body didn't want me to. I was tired, very much so.

New Heroes episode on tonight. Yay for good TV.

Last week L was here all week, due to his reading week. That was a nice change. I took Friday off from work, and we got to spend some quality time together; driving. Haha. But it was nice. And we made Thai food. Oh yes. The Thai food. For Christmas, we got a Thai food cookbook. Which is great because 1) we like Thai food 2) we like to cook together. We've been trying out different recipes; so far so good. We decided to go for a Basil Chicken on Friday. We wrote out our list, and tried to figure out where we would find all the ingredients. Well, 2 grocery stores later, and a visit to the local Asian Food store, and we had everything.

It's tricky trying to find all the ingredients; cause you would think that Grocery store A would have them.. turns out not so much, so it's on to Grocery Store B. This time we did it in reverse, stopping at B first; still ending up at A. And the Asian food store. Lesson learned though; go to the Asian food store first.

So one of the ingredients needed was dried chili peppers, and we needed 5 of them. So L chopped them up, and we putted them in. Then we ate. Everything looked great and smelled sooo good. Yea. Chilies = Hot. Like very hot. Very very hot.
Next time, there will be one whole chili used, and we're going to take it out before eating.

Alright. Only 55 more minutes left of work!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

reading & waiting

I've been reading this really interesting blog about this women who is a flight attendant in Dubhai. It's really neat; cause she started it when she just finished training and she's documented her travels and experiences and such. She had a couple years of archieves I've read; as of this afternoon I'm official caught up and ready for a new update. It's really fun and interesting. Makes me seriously consider just up and leaving to do something exciting.

Schools are apparently sending out acceptance & non-acceptance letters soon. I will say within the next two weeks. I'm quite anxious to hear. Either way. But it could be a while yet I suppose. Then decisions have to be made. Big decisions.

It's only the second day of the work week..but it feels like the 5th. I was alone in the office (hence the excessive blog reading) and then today my mangers have been in and out all day, leaving me to entertain myself somewhat. I really wish I could get like some huge big project to work on, that I could just pick away at when things were slow. Becuase I don't enjoy having nothing to do, I like to be productive. I know it might seem fun to have nothing to do all day; but it's not.

Curling was on last week, and now I'm in curling withdrawl. It was the Scotties last week (ie female curling) and PEI did really well! We normally aren't that great at this level. But we made it to the tie-breaker game. Go us! Anyways, they showed 3 games a day, and it was great! Pretty much anytime I turned on the tv, there was a game on. This week there is nothing. But starting Saturday the Brier is on! Yay!

Alright. I should tidy up my desk or something :S

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Je suis tired

So. I am like asleep on my feet right now. Or, in my chair, since I'm not really standing up, more sitting down. But that's what working two jobs, and then going out afterwards will do to one I suppose. It was only Trivia at the Wave (my team won!!); but I was up way past my bedtime, and thus, am quite tired today.

Work on both fronts hasn't been bad, but hasn't been like good either. Just alright. I'm ready to not be working, and be back in school. I miss it. I had to write an essay/response for one of the school applications.. and even though I'm actually terrible at things like that, I enjoyed it. It's fun to be "thinking" again, and to be in that mindset. Not that I don't think at work, it's just a different kind of thinking.

Today is an exciting day, as L is coming home for his Spring Break. I'm quite excited for this. A whole 10 days! We're goiing skating at some point. I'm excited for this, as it's probably been a good 7-9 years since the last time I've skated. I'm assuming it's like what they say about riding a bike, and that I'll be able to pick it up again.

I'd like to go on a trip. Somewhere random. Somewhere not here. Just for a bit. And get away. If I did go somewhere though, I'd want to be able to go and visit that place right; and not have to worry about money and everything. So therefore, I'd like to win the lottery. In this case also, I wouldn't have to continue to work as much as I do now. There we go. Problem solved.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The calm before the storm...?

Alright. So apparently I'm not too good at this blogging business. I will make a solid attempt here.

Last night I went to the movie theatres and saw Taken. It was good; I enjoyed it and thought it was well done. There was lots of action in it and some suspensful moments. My mom and I went together, twas a good time. We were undecided between Taken and the International. I got to work today, and a coworker said she recently saw the International and it wasn't very good. So I believe we made a wise decision.

Things at work are pretty quiet today. Not much going on. No "Jack Frost Children's Festival" to get excited about tomorrow. Which means no dressy up. Last Friday, when I got to dress up as a fairy and hand things out to the kids.. that made Friday much more enjoyable. No fairies this week... sad face.

New TV tonight!!! ER I know for sure. I do believe, if I've read it correctly, Carter is coming back tonight/soon. Grey's I'm not sure if it's new or now. Then there's CSI. Which I've really fallen away from. Which I'm ok with; because then I'll be able to have something "new" to watch in the summer during re-run season.

They're calling for a storm tonight. I've got a feeling it's not going to happen. We shall see..

Alright. Only 1 hour left to go before I can leave work...wait. I mean. um. yea. I'm not blogging at work..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12 of 12

Alright. First post. First 12 of 12.
For those of you who don't know what 12 of 12 is.. check out Chad Darnell's site. It's such a neat idea.

Here we go.

1) 8:08 am. Arrived at work. Checking some sites, and remembered it was 12 of 12 day! Woohoo

2) 10:00 am - There's a winter snow fest type thing happening in-town. At work, we're having a fun kids room. I got to count the jar full of jelly beans. People will guess. Then win a prize. There were a lot of jelly beans.

3) 11:30 am - Super surprise of the day! My boss got me this sweet gift basket! Just because. To thank me for keeping the office sane the card said. It was a really nice gesture of her. *even if my name was spelled wrong.. *

4) 1:00 pm - Finally lunch time! Walking in the rain.

5) 1:15 pm - Eating my lunch. Diet Pepsi, sandwich, and carrot sticks.

6) 1:30 pm - At the post office. Picked up the mail. Nothing for me, sad face :(

7) 3:30 pm - Upstairs in the lobby at work. Getting ready for Jack Frost festivities. A giant giraffe? How much fun is that!

8) 4:07 pm - After work; it was still raining, wish it was snow.

9) 4:17 pm - Picking up a V Day gift. Mardeen - great local band.

10) 5:30 pm - Just out from getting my hair cut. Still not sure about these bangs.

11) 8:58 pm - Getting some V Day candy at Shoppers Drug Mart. (It's was still raining).

12) 10:01 pm - Watching Grey's. Crossover episode. Fun. There better not be any dead Denny in this one.
First one done. That wasn't too bad.