Tuesday, August 11, 2009

watch out eh?

I can say with almost 100% certainty, I will never wear high heels. Yes, ok, maybe for special occasions, such as weddings, or if I take up ballroom dancing, but other then that, no not so much. It's not that I have anything against them, or those who wear them. It's just that I look very silly in them, and think they'd hurt quite a lot to wear (although I am told they're very comfortable actually).

At least, I didn't have anything against highheelers until Saturday night.

There I was, enjoying a nice conversation with an old friend, and I feel pain. Lots of pain coming from my right foot, like something is trying to dig it's way through my foot. It takes a second, then I figured out that some girl was stepping on my foot. With her high heels. And it hurt. Not quite at first, but as the night wore on, I was just like, "gah, my foot hurts". Woke up Sunday morning, and sure enough a bruise began. Walking in flats yesterday and today, still hurts. I'll get over it. But I must say to all those wearers of heels: please be considerate of feet. And don't step on my feet again, cause yea, I'll kick you.

Side note: I went to see Julie&Julia last night. I really enjoyed it. I thoroughly enjoy the Amy Adams, and I thought the movie was just cute :). It made me smile many times.

And made me want to blog more.

12 of 12 tomorrow. Get ready!

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