Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy times ahead.

One of my bosses left today. It's sad. I'm going to miss her, a lot. She was there when I first got interviewed. Despite my shyness and awkwardness, she hired me. She's shown me how to do pretty much everything I've needed to know here. She's always been super patient with me. We just gelled well together. It sucks.

But I mean, she's off to bigger and better things. Just sigh.

In other news.
Yesterday/today marks an important date. It's one that I'm really excited for; I feel like I always new this day would get here, and right I was. I like being right.

Right now, when I look back on this year I know I'm thinking "oh man, why did I make that decision?".. and... "is it September yet?...". This past year has been full of many ups and downs. I've said many times how my life shaken off the track I made for myself and it's quite frustrating. But one thing has always remained constant. I hope that in years to come, I'll be able to look back on this year and remember it as the beginning of something great. Delightful even.

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