Monday, December 28, 2009

525600 minutes

I've been noticing a lot of lists and relsolutions lately. I never really was one for making resoluations. I just kind of went with the flow really. Did what I did. I feel like one year I probably said "I'm going to lose weight this year..." but yea, I don't know that I did.

Christmas is such a busy time. Full of going to see these people, having these people over, friends and family coming home...and relaxing. I'm all about just vegging out and not doing anything.
I miss having people friends living in the same province though. Sad face.

I wish that I could remember things more. The little details of things. Like certain lyrics and certain random stories that have happened. Or the plot to books. I remember them when people talk about them, but to remember them on my own doesn't sometimes happen.

Christmas was really great this year; I got a lot of useful things which is great. Also got Wii fit AND EA active. I can't wait to start using it. Hopefully it'll be the push I need.

This has been a random post.

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