Friday, May 8, 2009

a day

So some days, are just not good days. Today is one of those days.

I recently found out that one of my bosses, will be leaving, within two weeks. We had discussed how she wanted to leave, and was trying to leave. But now, it's official. Well, only partly officially (she hasn't told any of the people that need to know, I was the first one she's told). This news I guess is hitting me hard? It sucks. A lot. A lot a lot. Things were starting to be *almost* normal, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, it's like there was a cave in, and I'm stuck.

Other little things have been bothering me lately too.

I also think I'm getting sick.

All these things, plus a severe case of missing-friends blues have made for a bad day today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but I think it's best just to write today off.

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