Sunday, September 13, 2009

thinking about homework, got to be done...

One more sleep, one more sleep!
I'm very excited that the day is almost here. After waiting for..just a little over a year, it's here. And of course, they would push back the first day this year. Oh well. It's here.

I missed 12 of 12 yesterday. Sad face indeed. But that's alright. I'm not sure why I didn't remember. I think the excitement of orientation had me distracted.

Speaking of orientation, it went well. I did have fun, and kind of meet some new people. Then we went to the social. There was trivia, and I do enjoy a great round of trivia. I'm sad my trivia pal is gone, but we will reunite soon enough. I've been working on scrounging up new trivia buddies.

Alright. Time to get ready..for SCHOOOOOOOL!

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