Wednesday, May 27, 2009

magic shoes

All my worries seem to vanished, thanks to my new shoes. I don't know how they did it, or why it seems to be working. But the fact that I have new shoes, is making work much more bearable. I really don't understand it.

Therefore, I take from this, that I should be allowed to buy new shoes ALL the time. Something stressing me out? NEW SHOES. Upset about something? NEW SHOES. Lonely and miss all my friends? NEW SHOES.

J is back in the same provinces as I. Which is GREAT, except I haven't seen much of her yet. That's alright though. Long summer ahead. Full of fun times.

I've starting working again on my quilt. It's starting to look like an actually quilt now. I'm excited to see the final product. Even if it doesn't turn out 100% right, I'll be happy with it as it is my first quilt after all.

Time to figure something out about something.

PS. Work is pretty crazy in the fact that I'm running the show sort of. I've got help from others..but there's no one else technically working out of my office. That's alright though. I'll get done what I can, that's all I can do.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy times ahead.

One of my bosses left today. It's sad. I'm going to miss her, a lot. She was there when I first got interviewed. Despite my shyness and awkwardness, she hired me. She's shown me how to do pretty much everything I've needed to know here. She's always been super patient with me. We just gelled well together. It sucks.

But I mean, she's off to bigger and better things. Just sigh.

In other news.
Yesterday/today marks an important date. It's one that I'm really excited for; I feel like I always new this day would get here, and right I was. I like being right.

Right now, when I look back on this year I know I'm thinking "oh man, why did I make that decision?".. and... "is it September yet?...". This past year has been full of many ups and downs. I've said many times how my life shaken off the track I made for myself and it's quite frustrating. But one thing has always remained constant. I hope that in years to come, I'll be able to look back on this year and remember it as the beginning of something great. Delightful even.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Yesterday was the 12th. Meaning it was time for 12 of 12. I forgot my camera.

I took some (crappy) pictures on my camera phone. And then once I got home, I tried to take some pictures.

It makes me sad, because that's the whole reason for the blog. I so enjoy 12 of 12.

I kind of failed. I've been doing that a lot lately, failing.

I fail at life. . . . but I'm good at Math.

Monday, May 11, 2009


This whole my boss leaving, is a secret. I feel important because I know. But also, I feel like I should tell people, so that it's not a huge surprise.

Of course I won't tell people. But le sigh.

Friday, May 8, 2009

a day

So some days, are just not good days. Today is one of those days.

I recently found out that one of my bosses, will be leaving, within two weeks. We had discussed how she wanted to leave, and was trying to leave. But now, it's official. Well, only partly officially (she hasn't told any of the people that need to know, I was the first one she's told). This news I guess is hitting me hard? It sucks. A lot. A lot a lot. Things were starting to be *almost* normal, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, it's like there was a cave in, and I'm stuck.

Other little things have been bothering me lately too.

I also think I'm getting sick.

All these things, plus a severe case of missing-friends blues have made for a bad day today.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better, but I think it's best just to write today off.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've discovered a new pet peeve. People who call another person, and aren't ready to talk to them. So I ask you the next time you're calling someone, to ask them something or to give them some sort of information: have your question ready, have you're information in front of you.

New apartment = great. Loving it. Loving all things to do with it.

My attempt to go for a morning run this morning failed. This was only the first attempt at the morning run, so we'll see how the next one goes. I suppose it'd help if I actually set my alarm. And although I didn't make it outside for a run, I dreamt was running in a race, and I came 138th. Random, I know.

I just found out that my printer/copier/scanner/fax machine/big gray box that sits next to me on my desk... can make COLOUR photocopies! Colour! Exciting!