Monday, December 28, 2009

525600 minutes

I've been noticing a lot of lists and relsolutions lately. I never really was one for making resoluations. I just kind of went with the flow really. Did what I did. I feel like one year I probably said "I'm going to lose weight this year..." but yea, I don't know that I did.

Christmas is such a busy time. Full of going to see these people, having these people over, friends and family coming home...and relaxing. I'm all about just vegging out and not doing anything.
I miss having people friends living in the same province though. Sad face.

I wish that I could remember things more. The little details of things. Like certain lyrics and certain random stories that have happened. Or the plot to books. I remember them when people talk about them, but to remember them on my own doesn't sometimes happen.

Christmas was really great this year; I got a lot of useful things which is great. Also got Wii fit AND EA active. I can't wait to start using it. Hopefully it'll be the push I need.

This has been a random post.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hello blog

Well alright then.

Christmas is the best season. I've been trying to fight boredom by helping Christmas explode in our apartment. Decorations are everywhere, it's super. And there may also even be a tree too! A real live tree. It's awfully cute I think anyways.
Not 100% sure if I'm allowed to have a real tree...but there isn't anything in the lease that says we CAN'T have one, therefore, the assumption we're going with is that it's alright.

This past weekend I went to see my sister this weekend. Her and her beau were in a Christmas play...She had a solo and everything. It was a lot of fun, with singing, and dancing, and lights, and CHOIR MUSIC.
*Finger: need to remember to talk about something*
The show really made me want to join choir. I did it all though school, and doing musicals and stuff. I miss it. I don't really know if I was any good at it or anything, but it was fun. Really don't have a whole lot of time right now, so maybe not this year.

Right. Back to what I put the finger up for. Right.
The play, had RAPPING in it. Yes, that's right, rapping! With children. It is just too funny to describe, but it was

Ok. Back to Christmas-ing.