Monday, March 30, 2009

will it ever stop snowing?

It's funny how the weather works. All weekend was so beautiful. Then yesterday around 6:00, BAM the cold weather hit. Which is fine, no more sun, cold is going to happen. But no, woke this morning to rain, and now snow. They canceled schools (which make me happy! no class tonight!).
I have a great huge decision before me. School, next year. Where will I go? As I've said a few times already this morning, my decision, is about 95% made...but I can't let that other 5% go. What if I'm making the wrong decision? I've already messed this whole thing up once.. I don't think I can have another do-over. Not when it means another whole year.
Work is quite dull soon. I'm hoping it will pick up. This whole going back to school has got me excited; but then I forget that I have a whole summer to go. Not even the summer. Like Spring PLUS Summer. Oh well.

I finally watch Snatch on the weekend. It was fun, I liked it. Only, I was quite tired and as per usual, didn't make it to the end. Oh well, if I ever watch it again, it'll be like watching it for the first time. Sorta. Kinda. I now have "Lucky Number Slevin" rented. I thought this movie did not look good, but both L and the girl at the movie rental store said it was a good movie. So I'm going to give it a shot.

In an effort to retain more details this go round, I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series. I'm on book 4. I've really forgotten how much I enjoy these books. They're great. And I'm at the part where I don't want to stop reading, and I just want to read until the end. The new movie comes out this summer, and I can't wait. I think a HP marathon is in the works. Pumped!

Almost done work woo!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

hello Spring? are you there?

I had all intention on posting an entry last week. In fact, I wrote it, and sent it to myself for posting. However, I must have gotten distracted and forgot to post. Le sigh.

This week is actually the deadest it's been since I started work way back when. As that point, I didn't know what I was doing, so I would just sit around doing nothing. Now, I know many things that I can do..but they're all done. Le sigh.

There's some random noise that keeps going off ever 3 minutes. It's coming from the office beside me. It's a high pitched siren of sorts, and alarm even? But I think it's trying to be fixed.. we'll see. It's keeping me awake at least.

I am quite displeased with the lack of spring like weather and abundance of winter. Seriously. It's Spring now. Let's get this show on the road shall we? I'm going to try to start running outside, but I find this difficult when there is still 5 cm of snow on the ground, and there's a boat load of wind all the time. Soon enough I suppose, soon enough.

Back to work I go. Caffeine will be needed I think.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12 of 12

Alright. It's that time again.. 12 of 12!! Of course, credit goes to Chad Darnell;

The 12th day of the month falls upon a Thursday again in March, so it's another work day.

1) 7:51 am In the car on the way to work. Listening to some Slumdog soundtrack. A great way to start the day

2) 9:30 am At work. We're trying to make everything organized, so I'm taking these hand-written stuff and putting them on the computer

3) 9:35 am All nice and pretty with arrows and labels! I have way to much fun doing things like this.

4) It's rollll up the rim to win season again. A look at my collection of winners.

5) 12:59 pm Lunch time. Walking out of work, there was a police car. I know the picture sucks, but I didn't want the police man to see me taking his picture.

6) 1:25pm Me and my shadow. It was very sunny, but very windy out.

7) 1:30 pm At the post office. Waiting for mail to arrive is not fun, silly snail mail.

8) 4:25 pm To the gym.

9) 6:30 pm The cup. I was eating supper, and noticed that this cup (almost) glows in the dark. Fun!

10) 8:45 pm I went shoping to try to cheer myself up. I bought new black socks for work. Super exciting stuff.

11) 9:00 pm And I might have gotten myself some cheering-up-candy. Gummi Bears are good.

12) 9:10 pm Curling. The final draw in roundrobin play. AB vs ONT. Big game. Great teams.

And that is all. Hope you enjoy. See you in April!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday monday... ba ba, ba ba ba ba

Today is Monday.
I'm not always a huge fan of Mondays. This one even more so. Daylight saving's has stolen an hour from me!! An hour! And while it was stolen on Saturday night/Sunday morning.. I didn't feel it until this morning. When my alarm clock said 6:00 am, but my phone said 7:00 am. Time to get up apparently, even if my body didn't want me to. I was tired, very much so.

New Heroes episode on tonight. Yay for good TV.

Last week L was here all week, due to his reading week. That was a nice change. I took Friday off from work, and we got to spend some quality time together; driving. Haha. But it was nice. And we made Thai food. Oh yes. The Thai food. For Christmas, we got a Thai food cookbook. Which is great because 1) we like Thai food 2) we like to cook together. We've been trying out different recipes; so far so good. We decided to go for a Basil Chicken on Friday. We wrote out our list, and tried to figure out where we would find all the ingredients. Well, 2 grocery stores later, and a visit to the local Asian Food store, and we had everything.

It's tricky trying to find all the ingredients; cause you would think that Grocery store A would have them.. turns out not so much, so it's on to Grocery Store B. This time we did it in reverse, stopping at B first; still ending up at A. And the Asian food store. Lesson learned though; go to the Asian food store first.

So one of the ingredients needed was dried chili peppers, and we needed 5 of them. So L chopped them up, and we putted them in. Then we ate. Everything looked great and smelled sooo good. Yea. Chilies = Hot. Like very hot. Very very hot.
Next time, there will be one whole chili used, and we're going to take it out before eating.

Alright. Only 55 more minutes left of work!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

reading & waiting

I've been reading this really interesting blog about this women who is a flight attendant in Dubhai. It's really neat; cause she started it when she just finished training and she's documented her travels and experiences and such. She had a couple years of archieves I've read; as of this afternoon I'm official caught up and ready for a new update. It's really fun and interesting. Makes me seriously consider just up and leaving to do something exciting.

Schools are apparently sending out acceptance & non-acceptance letters soon. I will say within the next two weeks. I'm quite anxious to hear. Either way. But it could be a while yet I suppose. Then decisions have to be made. Big decisions.

It's only the second day of the work week..but it feels like the 5th. I was alone in the office (hence the excessive blog reading) and then today my mangers have been in and out all day, leaving me to entertain myself somewhat. I really wish I could get like some huge big project to work on, that I could just pick away at when things were slow. Becuase I don't enjoy having nothing to do, I like to be productive. I know it might seem fun to have nothing to do all day; but it's not.

Curling was on last week, and now I'm in curling withdrawl. It was the Scotties last week (ie female curling) and PEI did really well! We normally aren't that great at this level. But we made it to the tie-breaker game. Go us! Anyways, they showed 3 games a day, and it was great! Pretty much anytime I turned on the tv, there was a game on. This week there is nothing. But starting Saturday the Brier is on! Yay!

Alright. I should tidy up my desk or something :S